Crime & Disorder

Section 17 of the Crime & Disorder Act 1998 placed a new duty on Police and Local Authorities to consider crime and disorder and community safety in all their activities.

It is the responsibility of Folkestone Town Council to have due regard to this when exercising its various duties and responsibilities. The Council is committed to doing all it can to prevent crime and disorder in Folkestone. To achieve this, it closely monitors and reviews the work it carries out to ensure it meets this obligation as well as considering crime and disorder reduction in everything it does.

The Town Council also works closely with Police and local agencies to prevent and combat crime and disorder within the community in the following ways:

Managing Public Realm CCTV in Folkestone

Attendance at Folkestone & Hythe Safety Advisory Group (SAG) meetings relating to events hosted by the Town Council.

The Group brings together relevant regulatory authorities to assist event organisers to conduct safe and lawful events.

The Council consults this group in relation to Armed Forces Day and Christmas Festivities & Light Switch-On

Direct liaison with Police and other agencies including FHDC Community Safety Group and FAPAC

Inviting the Police to attend Council events and meetings, with the aim of maintaining and improving the crucial link with the community

Supporting initiatives within the Town that assist with crime and disorder prevention.

Please click here to visit the Police.UK website to search for the Folkestone crime map

Folkestone Town Council are proud to live in a diverse and tolerant society.  Racism, xenophobia and hate crimes have no place in our country. Our council condemns racism, xenophobia and hate crimes unequivocally.  We will not allow hate to become acceptable. We reassure all people living in this area that they are valued members of our community.