Carbon Neutral Pledge

Plastic Free logo
Folkestone Town Council has become one of the first town councils in the country to make reducing carbon emissions a priority. Council’s pledge and resolutions from the 4th June 2019 are set out below:

As a member of the Cinque Ports, committee was asked to consider facilitating the reduction of carbon emissions.

Resolved: That Folkestone Town Council wishes to facilitate the reduction of carbon emissions by:
  • Committing to becoming a carbon-neutral organisation by 2030.
  • Seeking ways to encourage our community to reduce direct and indirect CO2 emissions and to become resilient to climate change.
  • Taking active steps, wherever possible to encourage:
    a) More sustainable transport
    b) Reductions in energy use in homes and businesses
    c) Use and development of renewable energy sources
    d) Production, sale and consumption of locally sourced food
    e) Any other methods of achieving the aims above
  • Requesting Finance & General Purpose release £5,000 from the New Services Reserve to support this initiative.
Proposed: Cllr Peter Gane    |    Seconded: Cllr Ann Berry
Voting: F:4, Ag:0, Ab:0


Committee was asked to consider pledging to become a ‘single-use plastic free’ Council, this would mean phasing out the use of ‘single use plastic’ (SUP) products such as bottles, cups, cutlery, food containers and drinking straws in all council activities wherever it is reasonable to do so and encouraging other organisations to do the same, by championing alternatives such as reusable water bottles and developing local initiatives under a ‘Plastic-Free Folkestone’ banner.

Resolved: That the Council pledges to become a ‘single-use plastic free’ Council and adopts the Plastic Free Communities Toolkit.
Proposed: Cllr Abena Akuffo-Kelly    |    Seconded: Cllr Paul Bingham
Voting: F:4, Ag:0, Ab:0

Council is trying to reduce its carbon footprint by:

  • Planting trees
  • Using 100% renewable energy
  • Using LED lighting 

There are various ways that Folkestone residents can help to reduce their carbon footprint, including:

  • Recycling is one of the most important contributions that can be made.
  • Insulating your home to keep warm in winter and cool in summer.
  • Getting a compost bin where garden trimmings and vegetable peelings can be recycled and used in the garden or use the district councils garden waste service to get rid of grass cuttings and leaves.
  • Collecting rainwater in a water butt and using it to keep the garden looking healthy.
  • Planting insect and bee friendly flowers in the garden and considering carefully the need to use certain pesticides.
  • Considering alternative ways of travel:
    • car-share your journey
    • walk or cycle locally - try for riding around Folkestone 
    • when replacing a car consider an electric or hybrid vehicle
    • if travelling long distances, use public transport if possible
    • reduce air travel


Kent County Council have developed a Kent Plan Bee which can be viewed on their website at or view the Facebook page