Officers & Contact Us

In line with the requirements of the Local Government Transparency Code 2014, Folkestone Town Council confirms the Town Clerk is the only employee with a salary of at least £50,000.

The Town Clerk manages the officer team and is responsible for a budget of circa £1,000,590 and is the council's Proper Officer, Responsible Financial Officer, Head of Paid Service and Data Protection Officer.

The Town Clerk has a statutory duty to carry out all the Councils functions, ensuring the Council fulfils its legal obligations and that the instructions of the Council, in connection with its functions as a Local Authority are carried out.

The Town Clerk advises the Council on, and assists in the formation of, overall policies and procedures to be followed in respect of the Authority’s activities and compiles information and reports to allow Council to make effective decisions prior to the implementation of them.

To view the organisation structure, please click here. 

Town Clerk

Toni Brenchley

Tel: 01303 257946


Deputy Clerk/Finance Officer 

Roland Domingo

Tel: 01303 257946
Town Sergeant

Ian Bishop

Tel: 01303 257946


Administration Officer

Jennifer Griffin

Tel: 01303 257946



Corporate Support Officer

Georgina Wilson

Tel: 01303 257946



Communities and Grants Officer

Liz Timmins

Tel: 01303 257946



Communities & Events Officer

Vicky Deakin

Tel: 01303 257946



Visitor Services Officer

Jennifer Conway

Tel: 01303 257946


Visitor Services Assistant 

Ella Riley

Tel: 01303 257946




Stephen Fielder 

Tel: 01303 257946



Musuem Manager/Curator

Coralie Clover 

Tel: 01303 257946



Collections Access & Development

Alison Moore

Tel: 01303 257946


Museum Learning Officer

Tara Cleary

Tel: 01303 257946

The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014

These Regulations require a decision-making officer to produce a written record of any decision which would otherwise have been taken by the relevant council, or a committee, sub-committee of that council, but it has been delegated to an officer and the effect of the decision is to -

(i) grant a permission or licence;
(ii) affect the rights of an individual; or
(iii) award a contract or incur expenditure which, in either case, materially affects the council’s financial position.

Examples of Decisions to be recorded

  •  To award or renew a lease;
  • To refuse a request for access to information;
  • To award a contract or incur expenditure above £50,000;
  • To withdraw or refuse any council service, e.g. terminating an allotment agreement.

 Examples of Decisions not to be recorded

  •  Routine administrative and organisational decisions;
  • To sign an allotment tenancy agreement;
  • To approve works undertaken by a contractor;
  • Any written decision that is already recorded by a written record and produced by virtue of other legislation;
  • Any decision that would be exempt or confidential.







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