Health and wellbeing mean different things to different people.
Folkestone Town Council would love for Folkestone to be known as a town where people live happy, healthy lives, where young and old alike make positive choices about their health and wellbeing and where people feel they have a sense of purpose and can contribute to their local community.
Health and wellbeing is a holistic concept, encompassing the physical, intellectual, emotional and social aspects of all our lives.
However, for some people achieving this can be challenging because so many things affect our health and wellbeing, including where we live, our education, our income and the lifestyle choices we make.
This page aims to provide useful hints, tips and links to support health and wellbeing.
Add your postcode to the following link to get a comprehensive list of doctors opticians, chemists etc in your area:
Useful Information can be found:
COVID 19 symptoms and what to do - NHS
NHS England - Improving personal health and wellbeing
Dementia Friends
MIND - How to improve your mental wellbeing