Folkestone Town Council acts as a statutory consultee for planning and license applications made within the towns boundary.
The planning committee meetings are usually held on the last Thursday of the month and the press and public are welcome to attend.
Public comments are requested to be sent to (Corporate Support Officer) so they can be shared with the committee members.
All comments are submitted to Folkestone & Hythe District Council for consideration.
Should you have any questions or comments relating to a planning or licensing application, you should contact the governing authority which is Folkestone & Hythe District Council.
Their planning team can be contacted via email or by telephone on 01303 853538.
You can also search applications via their website
FTC Planning Guidance
NALC Planning Guidance
Community Infrastructure Levy Financial Implications
Folkestone Town Council must make arrangements for the proper administration of its financial affairs as set out in Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972, we must also have systems in place to ensure effective financial control in accordance with the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011. These requirements also apply when dealing with the neighbourhood funding payments under the CIL.
Council is responsible for spending CIL funds within 5 years of receipt or run the risk of the District Council recovering the charge. If Council does not wish to receive some or all of its CIL funding we must write to the District Council informing them but at any time we can resume our right to receive funding by writing again.
Council is required under Regulation 62A of the CIL Regulations to publish on our website the amount of CIL received and spent within the area together with a summary of the projects on which CIL was spent, details of any CIL returned to the District Council and any balances brought forward from previous years. This should occur no later than the 31st December following the reporting year (1st April to 31st March).
Council has invoiced Folkestone & Hythe District Council for the following planning approvals and a summary of the projects it has been spent on will be prepared and published once agreed.
CIL Income & Expenditure 2022/23
CIL Income & Expenditure 2021/22
CIL Income & Expenditure 2020/21